Thursday, January 16, 2014

Doing Your Best

It's funny that my devotional for today would be titled this...because that is definitely not what happened :(

So today, I am doing my homework...being distracted by everything.  But the reading was so hard, and not interesting at all!  It was about Latin America before the Spanish conquest...just documents and texts. Not only was it not interesting....I couldn't understand 90% of it! So instead of doing it ahead of time and working through it slowly...I procrastinated and read through it poorly.  This is not what God wants of me.  He wants me to put 100% into EVERYTHING that I do. That includes school work as well as reading my Bible and even something as simple as keeping plans with a friend.  I want to please God in everything I do, and to do that I must do my best and work my hardest. Sometimes it may be hard, but I know that God knows I am capable, and so I will continue to follow in His footsteps. for the movie the other night. I didn't go....class wore me out and I just couldn't go watch a movie that I needed to concentrate on. :P  The past couple days I have had nearly no motivation...I think the heat is getting to me.  But hopefully after this weekend I will be back to business! I have a lot of homework already...some hard and some super easy.  This weekend I don't really have any plans. Sunday morning I am going to go to church with a friend and his wife and that should be fun.  Other than that I hope to just catch up on some homework and relax a little.

Miss you all! <3


  1. Thanks for encouraging me to get off my computer and do my best on my reading assignment for one of my classes <3 Miss you!!
