Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Things are changing.

Everything I have been through while here has been such a gift. I am so new...I feel like I can look at the world in such a new way. I can see a change in my heart that is greater than any gift God has ever given me. He is preparing me for some serious things in my future, some sooner than others.
I am so excited to move out and get a "real job" and start living a life without school for a while. Yes, I will miss my family, but I know that God has big plans for me!
These last 69 days have made me closer than ever to Eric, and I couldn't be happier with the relationship that we have.
There are 51 days left. I am ready to go home, but looking at the last 69 days I can't wait to see what more God can show me in the days I have remaining. Life is such a gift, and living it with God at my side is so amazing.
I am starting to get really excited for Camp this summer...not only because I love it, but because I am so excited to share what I have learned with some young minds that are eager to soak up some serious Jesus knowledge.
These last 69 days have showed me that I want to work with people. I don't know how, or in what career, but I know that I love kids...and just people in general. I know God will put me where he needs me and I am so excited for that opportunity!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

One of those days...

Welp. Today was not my day.

It started out great! I got to Skype with my amazing boyfriend for almost two hours!

Then after that things got a little sketchy.

1. The water pressure wasn't the greatest in the shower...so it took me extra long.
2. I got to class only to find out we were walking to the market to learn about Dominican vudu....and everyone was waiting for me. oops.
3. On our way to the market I stepped in a puddle of water and basically wiped out in the middle of the sidewalk. The funny part is I was telling a story about dance, so they thought I was "showing them some moves"...nope. just making a fool out of myself.
4. While in the market I blacked out and almost fainted....had to sit down and chug some water.
5. After the market our "lovely" teacher tells us we have a 2 page paper due tomorrow about what we learned today. (while I was attempting to stay conscious.)
6. I have an extremely bad headache and I keep getting back spasms.

On a better note. I have figured out a way to keep things moving along: I will find things each week to look forward to. I am determined to make time fly by. I miss my home.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I haven't posted in a while.

So much has happened.

My phone broke...I made it past half way...I had a week full of stress and tests and papers...everything.

But now...I don't know if it's the left over stress from all of it, or the fact that half way can mean so many things. Yes, the second half might go faster, but I have only done half of it....there is still half left...that is so much. Also, I wanna go home....but my host family, my real family here, when will I get to see them again? What am I gonna do not hearing "nana" every time I open my bedroom door?

Also..I am graduating. I am entering the "real world"...but what am I going to do? Where will I work? Am I moving downstate? Can I get a job? Can I afford a place to live? I am trying not to worry...but two months is not a long time...but it is.

My emotions have been crazy lately. I got some exciting news today...but I still feel so sad. My step-dad is coming here for three weeks...but I can't seem to get over the fact that I am still not home. What can I do? I am trying to keep praying...trying to focus on God...but I feel no change.

My emotions right now: alkdsfjoaiwej; kaldsjfoiawejrklj

Pray for me. Please.
